This website collects natural history data voluntarily contributed by registered and authenticated users, who are requested to contribute images and associated data on Indian biodiversity through the data submission form as per the guidelines provided here.
...Copyright (c) 2017-2024, All Rights Reserved. Indian Foundation for Butterflies Trust holds copyright for all the original material and data compilations on the Amphibians of India and other Biodiversity Atlas - India websites, except that photographers hold copyright for images, as cited.
...This page lists discoveries of new species, i.e., additions to the amphibian fauna of India, since 2017. The entries are arranged by year. See the full taxonomic checklist of Indian amphibians here. Please report to us if you find any species discoveries missing from this page.
If you are looking for species pages, search the species name in the search box in the menu bar above, and click on the dropdown options.
If you are looking for article pages, you might have been directed here because of a broken link. Contact the website editor(s) about this.
A taxonomic checklist of Indian butterflies is given below. Contact us if you have any questions or comments about this species catalogue. Also see the following pages for related taxonomic resources:
...The following species are missing their pages on the new website. These pages need to be created and data imported:
...Welcome to our new contributors! With the new contributors joining, our membership has grown to over 2,500 contributors. This includes butterfly-watchers from virtually every state and union terriroty of India. We would like to see this membership grow a lot more in coming years.
...Coming soon ...
...The goal of Indian Butterfly Monitoring Scheme (iBMS) is to monitor butterflies all over India to understand the biology and long-term population dynamics of butterflies for the purpose of species conservation, biodiversity research, and education. See further details at:
...We have prepared identification keys for groups of species or genera that look similar to each other. The keys are a set of photographs on which key characters are either marked and described, or the images are simply juxtaposed in such a manner that the interspecific differences are obvious even to a beginner.
...You can support the Butterflies of India project, and the BioAtlasIndia platform on the whole, in the following ways:
Contribute observations
Become a Regional Contributor
Start or host a local project to study and/or conserve butterflies
...Visit Get Involved! pages:
Local Projects: Start a project to study and conserve butterflies in your area. Get featured on this website.
...Visit the Features pages:
Observation Manager: Organize and back up your butterfly observations, field notes and data, and images on a secure platform.
...Listed below are some of the prominent butterfly parks and butterfly conservatories in India:
Butterfly Conservatories of West Bengal
Butterfly Associations: Associations of butterflies with other organisms.
Larval Hosts of Indian Butterflies: Butterfly-larval host plant associations.
...Monitor Butterflies With Us!: Coming soon ... Contribute Observations: Coming soon ... Start a Local Project: Coming soon ... Become a Regional Coordinator: Regional coordinators have a...